Movie, television, books, and board game reviews

with families in mind.

Get an idea of language, themes, and things parents will want to know before watching or reading with your children.

  • Are you Detective Pikachu?

    Everything you need to know before you go…

    up against Shadow the Hedgehog with Team Sonic (or Knuckles)

  • Tis dangerous out there in space. Trust no one.

    Everything you need to know before you go…

    into hyperspace with a group of kids that aren’t prepared to face pirates.

  • Boat snack upgrade! Bacon *and* eggs?

    Everything you need to know before you go…

    sailing with Moana, Maui, and friends.

  • Shayna Lakshi

    You can't trust this guy, he is on the list!

    Everything you need to know before you go…

    on a mission with E.L.F. to rescue Santa.

  • Okay, let's get this over with: no, I'm not seasick; no, I didn't eat grass as a child; and yes, I've always been green..

    Everything you need to know before you go…

    to Oz with Elphaba and Glinda

  • A weirdly Strategic Duck Kidnapping Game

    Everything you need to know before you consider…

    playing or buying Abduction

Do you (or someone you know) love Lego? Then check out my Lego fun on…

Meet Travis

Travis lives in Tennessee with his beautiful wife, two amazing daughters, two sneaky dogs, and four rambunctious hens. He works as a minsiter and enjoys putting his hobbies on the web.

Learn more about Travis HERE.